Frequently Asked Question's

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Plots with front less in width and back wider in width are called gomukhi plots and they are good only if the road is on the Southern or Western side because in this case Northern and Eastern part of building gets extension but contrary to it if these kind of plot has road on Northern or Eastern side then some remedies has to be done.
Toilet should not be there directly in-front of main door and as u described you cant change it so you can put a big mirror on outside of bathroom door so that it reflects the main door.
Human being has his own magnetic field with head as its North pole and feet’s as its South pole and accordingly to magnetic law like pole repels each other and opposite poles attracts so when one sleeps with head in North i.e. human body North i.e. head and geographical north pole are aligned in one direction so the repulsion disturbs the sleep and person gets sleepless night and can face headaches also causes problem of blood pressure. The best position for keeping head while sleeping is East or South.
Cactus plants should not be kept at home as plants with thorns gives negative energy but if you have cactus plants at home and you don’t want to remove then you should surround it by Tulsi, Tulsi plant has a tendency that that it absorbs negativity energy and it has a very good medicinal property. I would also suggest you to keep Tulsi plant at North-east of your house.
Yes mirrors and glass are very much effective in vastu, Glass is used for getting external light inside the house where as mirrors are used for reflection therapy. Glass should be used more in East & North of the building and same goes for mirrors, mirrors should be places on East & North walls.
Vastu can be very helpful in landscaping first slope has to be from South to North and from West to East. Plants plays very important role in activating positive energy in our daily lives. If we come on trees and plants X’mas tree, Ashoka tree specifically for SOUTH-WEST Direction, then tall trees in South, West or South-West. For SOUTH-EAST Mango, Tulips, Pomegranate. For NORTH-WEST Beil, Blue Bells plants with fragrance. For NORTH-EAST Tulsi, Basil, Amla, Flowerbeds and small plants.
Half knowledge is always dangerous it’s good you put lord Ganesh in front of your house but as per Hindu mythology it’s said that back of Lord Ganesh attracts Poverty so it is advisable to put one more Ganesh inside the house exactly at the back of Ganesh you have already placed.
The best location for toilet in the house is North-North-West, North-west then in South-East, West & South. The worst direction would be North-East and South-West. In toilet W.C. should not be in East-West axis, the flooring of toilet should be slightly higher or lower then rest of the floor in the house also never make toilet in-front of kitchen and entrance door.
Well first and foremost thing you can cut South-East by inserting copper wire end to end under floor secondly you can use white color in extended portion or use white marble in extended zone
Shift your daughter to North-west room or zone. Try keeping the bed in North-West of the room and paint the room in blues. This will surely increase the prospects.
The best place to park vehicle is North-West zone of the and the second best zone would be South-East things to take care i.e. garage wall should not touch the compound wall or walls of the building.
Well before looking the plan of your building wont suggest you the remedy but you still check the South-West of your building it should not be occupied by labor if it is so change it to your cabin or storage for raw material.
Different colors should be used in different zones of the house in North-East use whites, North-West use Blues and its tones, South-East should be in some red and orange and in South-west yellow and brown shades.
No wrought iron bed should not be used for sleeping as per vastu as iron is a very good conductor of heat and electricity which disturbs the flow of energy nearby which is bad for health. Wooden bed is the best option.
Vastu is a science of direction its 16 directions are as follows STRAIGHT DIRECTIONS East, West, North & South. Diagonal directions North-East, North-West, South-East & South-West. Sub-Diagonal Directions are East-North-East, East-South-East, West-North-West, West-South-West, North-North-East, North-North-West, South-South-East & South-South-West. Other than this we also take care of bharama Stahan i.e. center of the plot.
Yes vastu can help you getting peace and harmony back in your life, it is not necessary to do structural changes only vastu defect can be cured by changing live load of the building i.e. furniture, color scheme, water, mirror and glass placements, aquarium there are many other remedies like music therapy, aroma therapy plants and trees etc. so don’t worry vastu rectification does not means structural changes.
Basement should not be there under entire structure, the best zone for basement is North, East and North-East of the building. Basement in South-West zone is the worst.
Few tips will surely help your child increase in grasping and retaining power make him study facing East in North-East zone of your house, light green color small bulb while studying also make him sleep with head towards East.
The construction should begin from digging plot from North-East direction to South-West direction. This starting point i.e. North-East is most auspicious place to perform Vastu Pooja and it is beneficial to put a pair of Nag-Nagin in North-east. This North-East point should be used for underground water storage or Boring. North-East should be depressed from rest of the building & there should be some water zone. The laying of bricks should begin from South to North and from West to East i.e. from South-West to North-East. The compound walls of the plot should be built first after than the main building should start also compound wall in South and West should be taller and thicker then that of North and East.
Entry to the building and entry to the house are two different things for eg the entry to the building facing South from compound wall could be in South-West which is the most inauspicious direction but to overcome the ill effects of this one can make entry to the house from North-East and can enjoy the benefits of North-East direction irrespective of the fact the building is South facing (SOME OTHER REMEDIES HAS TO BE TAKEN CARE)
Start constructing your house in good Mahurath, some basic things should be taken care like master bedroom in South-West, Kitchen in South-East, Prayer room in North-East, son’s room in South, daughter’s/guest room in North-West, Toilet in North-West, Bathroom in East side, Drawing room in North side, Underground water storage/boring in North-East Overhead water storage in Southern side on pillars.
I must guide you that you should live jointly but still if you want get separated and divide the property don’t go in for vertical partition it basically changes the direction of plot for one i.e. one will be benefited and other wont, go for horizontal partition which means floor wise.
if you don’t have place for prayer room you can create small place in North-East of the kitchen. No pooja place should not be in bedroom specially of married couple but if in case you have no option then curtain entire pooja place with curtain from all four sides.
Directions should be check from center of the plot i.e. one should stand in the center of the building facing outside the plot and see the directions.
Put a copper vessel filled with clean water on your slab near the cooktop and change water daily also clean the kitchen slab immediately after cooking and put a red color bulb in South-East of the kitchen.
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